Interview with our CEO Marco Marangoni

WPTG offers IT-services and products in 30 countries. The 28 companies in the group are helping clients to transform and digitalize business models to gain competitive advantages.

Marco Marangoni is sharing the growth strategy of the company group in the emerging markets but also about the next step into mature markets in Europe. Board member Anna Wiener Jiffer is asking the questions we think investors may have.

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White Pearl Technology Group interview with CEO Marco Marangoni

Good morning, Mr. Marangoni. Thank you for joining us today. We are excited to learn more about White Pearl Tech’s expansion strategy. Could you please provide us with an overview of your approach to expanding the company’s presence in new markets?

Marco Marangoni (CEO): Good morning and thank you for having me. At White Pearl Tech, our expansion strategy is centred around two key elements: geographical expansion and diversification into new industry verticals. We believe that by strategically entering new markets and broadening our client base, we can drive sustainable growth and maximize our global reach.

That sounds intriguing. Can you share some insights into the specific markets you are targeting for expansion?

Marco Marangoni: Certainly. Currently, our primary focus is on emerging markets, particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. These regions present immense growth potential, and we see a great opportunity to cater to the technological needs of businesses operating there. We aim to empower organizations in these regions to thrive in the digital era by providing them with innovative solutions and services tailored to their unique requirements.

How do you plan to approach expansion into these emerging markets?

Marco Marangoni: Our approach involves a combination of market research, partnerships, and localized strategies. We conduct thorough market analysis to gain insights into the specific needs, cultural nuances, and regulatory landscapes of each target market. This allows us to tailor our offerings and ensure they align with local requirements. Additionally, forming strategic partnerships with local entities, such as technology providers and industry associations, enables us to establish a strong presence and leverage their knowledge and networks.

That sounds like a comprehensive approach. Are there any other markets that White Pearl Tech has in its sights for expansion?

Marco Marangoni: Yes, we do have ambitious plans for expansion into developed markets such as Europe and the USA. While our primary focus remains on emerging markets, we recognize the potential and demand in these mature markets. We are carefully positioning ourselves to penetrate these markets and capture new opportunities. This expansion into developed markets will further diversify our customer base and broaden our global footprint.

How does White Pearl Tech plan to adapt its strategies when entering developed markets compared to emerging markets?

Marco Marangoni: When entering developed markets, we acknowledge the presence of established competitors and the need to differentiate ourselves. We will leverage our expertise, technological prowess, and the success we have achieved in emerging markets to demonstrate our value proposition to clients. Localization will play a crucial role as well. We will ensure that our solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses in these markets and comply with local regulations.

Thank you, Mr Marangoni, for providing us with valuable insights into White Pearl Tech’s expansion strategy. We appreciate your time and wish you continued success in your endeavours.

Marco Marangoni: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure discussing our expansion strategy with you. We are excited about the future and look forward to making a positive impact in new markets while continuing to serve our existing clients with excellence.