
Correction: Clarification of White Pearl Technology Group’s, Year-End Report 2023, January to December

White Pearl Technology Group have made clarifications and added more figures in detail to The Year-End Report 2023 January to December, that was published on the 26th of February 2024 at 10.00 CET.

The corrections entail no alterations to the figures in the report but more detailed figures has been added. The changes are editorial, aimed at providing clearer guidance on how to read and understand the financial statements within the Year-End Report 2023.

Clarifying text has been added as well as comparing periods for a better visualization of the growth trajectory and for the sake of making the underlying factors to the results more comprehensible.

None of the figures reported on the 26th of February has been altered.

Read the corrected report in the attached PDF or find it at www.whitepearltech.com 

For further information, please contact:

Marco Marangoni, CEO, White Pearl Technology Group

E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +598 93 370 044

Jenny Öijermark, IR-Manager, White Pearl Technology Group

E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +46 707340804

The Company’s Certified Adviser is Swedish North Point Securities AB.


White Pearl Technology Group (WPTG), är baserat och listat i Stockholm på Nasdaq First North Growth Market som WPTG. Koncernen består av 28 företag som är verksamma inom informationsteknologi. De är diversifierade IT-företag som säljer tjänster, egna lösningar och produkter samt tjänster och produkter från tredjepartsleverantörer. Koncernen har närvaro i trettio länder över hela världen. Koncernens verksamhet är för närvarande inriktad på tillväxtmarknader, särskilt Afrika, Asien, Mellanöstern och i mindre utsträckning Latinamerika. www.whitepearltech.com