White Pearl Technology Group, to start reporting quarterly and updates the Financial Calendar

White Pearl Technology Group (WPTG) is introducing quarterly reports into its financial

practice, starting with Q3 2024. This change aims to provide more frequent and timely

information to shareholders and the investment community.

Updated Financial Calendar
• Q3 Report 2024: November 25th, 2024
• Q4 Report 2024: February 25th, 2025
• Annual Report 2024: April 28th, 2025
• Q1 Report 2025: May 26th, 2025
• Q2 Report 2025: August 25th, 2025

You can find the updated Financial Calendar on www.whitepearltech.com

“This is a natural step for White Pearl Technology Group to take, after one full year as a listed company,

and underscores our commitment to keeping our shareholders and investors updated on a more regular

basis,” says Jenny Öijermark, IR Manager at White Pearl Technology Group.

For further information, please contact:
Marco Marangoni, CEO, White Pearl Technology Group
E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +598 93 370 044
Jenny Öijermark, IR-Manager, White Pearl Technology Group
E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +46 707340804
The Company’s Certified Adviser is Amudova.

The Company’s Certified Adviser is Amudova.

About White Pearl Technology Group
White Pearl Technology Group, based in Stockholm and listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market
as WPTG, comprises 30 companies operating in the information technology space. These are diversified
IT companies selling their own solutions and products, as well as the services and products of third-party
vendors. The group has a presence in more than thirty countries worldwide. The current focus of the
group’s business is on emerging markets in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and, to a lesser extent, Latin
America. They also operate in more mature markets in Europe and the USA. www.whitepearltech.com